Margo Jones, Board Chair
Margo Jones is a long time Central Area Resident, Property Owner, Community Leader, Mentor, Mother, and Entrepreneur of over 27 years with businesses that have worked with some of the world’s largest Corporations in the industries of Fashion, Television, Entertainment and Community Organizations.
Margo’s position as the Board Chair Woman for Africatown Community Land Trust is rooted from her strong and passionate desire to maintain a strong presence of the Black Culture in Centrtal Seattle. With her desire to “Buy the CD Black” she has worked with ACLT and other Community Non Profit Boards to ensure that big business and developers know when they are coming to our Community they will be held accountable.
Her sole desire is to see that the legacy and culture of Central Seattle is preserved and honored with a stalk in the ground for not only her children and their children but the Community that has called this area home for over 130 years.